I am so proud of this design, the rouch is what I wanted the dress to look like.
However the “butterfly”neck line was me trying to salvage a badly freestyle cut neck line.
But thank God that it ended up the PERFECT neckline for the evening.
Since I also made butterflies to identify as a person who is a floater.
See the origami butterfly in my hair? 😛
This is the MOST comfortable fancy dress! The Roche adds quite a bit of space for sitting and eating 😉
The Final dress. Haha.. I am one of the few photographers who LOVES to be in front of the camera;) Thank you so much Cheryl from Finestone Photography for taking this photo for me:)
Last week I went to an awesome creative women retreat. As part of the Friday dinner we had a Diner en Blanc where we get to decorate our table and dress up in all white!
Ha ha.. They mention the re-use of wedding dresses.. Only thing was my wedding dress is NOT blue:P So I had 1 week left and decided to bite the bullet and make my own out of calico and a scrap piece of shimmery white material I got for free:D
The dress I uploaded on Facebook Thursday at 6:30 pm People thought that it was beautiful! Little did they know it’s not my style.. not yet. It was just a blank canvas;)
I took some photos along the design and sewing process below if you are interested, click “Continue reading →“.