Have you had days when you just struggle to get out of bed? Here is something I have created as a reminder that we can do all things through Christ who gives us the strength đ

Something special and powerful happens when we proclaim God’s words over our lives. So what you do is, buy this mount and put it either on your bedside table or wardrobe and while in bed, proclaim this over your life out loud.
“I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength”
Check out how I came about to design this Inspirational Mount
What inspiring words do you need to help you get out of bed?
PS: You can also see all the mounts in person at these following Markets
22nd September and 24th Nov Port Coogee Village Indoor Markets
23rd November Southern River Twilight Markets
25th November Perth Hills Artisan Markets Parkerville November and
Dec 16th Perth Hills Artisan Markets – Christmas Special Market 2018