Cradle Mountains is soo photogenic! This is a photo I captured while walking on the track. The walk was so relaxing and enjoyable ^^
This pool reminds me of the pool I captured in Iceland. It’s a different colour though.
Cradle Mountains is soo photogenic! This is a photo I captured while walking on the track. The walk was so relaxing and enjoyable ^^
This pool reminds me of the pool I captured in Iceland. It’s a different colour though.
I have been fascinated with patterns that clouds makes in the sky. My very 1st business card’s background was actually a photo I took of a wispy cloud. I took a photo of the scene 1 hr before and the clouds looked so different! I’ll share a photo of the clouds 1 hr before another post đ
I love the diamond shape these cloud created!
Thought I’ll share this beautiful panorama of Honeymoon Bay to uplift your spirits on this gloomy day.
Though, the skies are grey, my spirits are high cos it’s my birthday đ
I’m so glad after so many years, I finally found something I love to do! Inspiring hope in others via nature photography and my music ^^
Today, we end up at the end of the steep and winding path; Sleep bay.
It’s a quaint little bay with interesting rock structures like smooth and round rocks and pebbles you walk over and the massive boulder with a hole inside of it on the right. There were also interesting shaped branches on the left.
Here is a scene that caught my eye and asked hubby to “stop the car!” I love the red dirt juxtapose to the green grass and reflection of the blue skies in the water.
Continue reading Tree Reflection in River, White Hut Creek, Little Swanport, Tasmania | Reflection | Along the way | Nature | Landscape Photography | Jonace Aussie Travels