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Broccoli Grown From Seed Netted | Home Grown

After my other broccoli was attacked by the broccoli and white moths, I decided to plant my next batch of broccoli seedlings I had grown from seed in a netted environment.

I tried to use aĀ finer net which doesn’t exist in Bunnings or Masters. Sooo.. I had to come up with another solution.

Seems like the white shade cloth is great for it! The end result speaks for itself;)

Here are the dishes I cooked with it

24/12/15 Day 70: The broccoli heads ready for harvest.

Continue reading Broccoli Grown From Seed Netted | Home Grown

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Using Broccoli Grown From Seed Netted | Butter Garlic with home grown broccoli from seed and Store Bought Re-Grown Cabbage | Home Grown

We had a friend and her son over for dinner. So I decided to make a salad..

Considering we didn’t have any lettuce and have eaten all our home-grown tomatoes I decided to cook up our home-grown broccoli grown from seed and cabbage.

The kid said the broccoli was delicious and ate it up šŸ˜€


03/01/16 Butter garlic home grown broccoli and store bought re-grown cabbage
Butter garlic home-grown broccoli and store-bought re-grown cabbage
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Using Broccoli Grown From Seed Netted | Garlic rosemary lemon baked trout with 3 different types of potatoes with home grown broccoli from seed | Home Grown

I love to eat broccoli as plain as possible.

So I would boil the broccoli in a pot of salted water with some oil to prevent theĀ nutrients from seeping out.

Added to the rest of the meal it was a very satisfying gluten-free dinner šŸ™‚

For the recipe, scroll down or click “continue reading”

Here areĀ the day-to-day photos ofĀ the broccoli I grew from seed


02/01/16 Garlic rosemary lemon baked trout with 3 different types of potatoes with home grown broccoli from seed
Garlic rosemary lemon baked trout with 3 different types of potatoes with home-grown broccoli from seed


Continue reading Using Broccoli Grown From Seed Netted | Garlic rosemary lemon baked trout with 3 different types of potatoes with home grown broccoli from seed | Home Grown

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Broccoli From Seed Netted Harvested | Home Grown

Here are the results of our broccoli harvested and eaten. They are way yummier then store-bought and organic.. If this is what being a freak is about.. Happy to be called a freak šŸ˜€

Used a 50% shade cloth to keep it safe from broccoli moths and the white months.

Here is the day-to-day photos of the broccoli growing

Here are the dishes I cooked with it

24/12/15 Day 70: The broccoli heads ready for harvest.
Day 70: The broccoli heads ready for harvest.


Continue reading Broccoli From Seed Netted Harvested | Home Grown

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Store Bought Re-Grown Ginger 1Bi | Home Grown | Re-Use Milk Bottles

Got to say this is one of the most exciting store-bought re-grown for me!

I have been trying to grow ginger for a long time and have failed countless number of times!!

So I am so proud and happy to share with you my progress growing store-bought re-grown ginger and hope I can encourage you to be “freaks” who grow their own.

Lol.. I seriously don’t care to be called a freak when I can go out to my garden and harvest veggies for dinner;)


27/09/15 Day 1: Starting 1 big knob of ginger
Day 1: Starting 1 big knob of ginger
27/09/15 Day 1: 27/09/15 Day 1: Starting 1 big knob of ginger covered lightly with soil in a DIY re-use milk bottle
Day 1: 27/09/15
Day 1: Starting 1 big knob of ginger covered lightly with soil in a DIY re-use milk bottle

Continue reading Store Bought Re-Grown Ginger 1Bi | Home Grown | Re-Use Milk Bottles