After my other broccoli was attacked by the broccoli and white moths, I decided to plant my next batch of broccoli seedlings I had grown from seed in a netted environment.
I tried to use a finer net which doesn’t exist in Bunnings or Masters. Sooo.. I had to come up with another solution.
Seems like the white shade cloth is great for it! The end result speaks for itself;)
Here are the dishes I cooked with it
- Garlic rosemary lemon baked trout with 3 different types of potatoes with home-grown broccoli from seed
- Butter Garlic with home-grown broccoli from seed and Store Bought Re-Grown Cabbage

Day 1: Seedlings planted out in the Wicking Bed 4

Day 2: Seedling growing well

Day 6: Seedling growing bigger

Day 7

Day 8: Seedling growing bigger

Day 9: seedling growing bigger

Day 11: Seedling growing bigger

Day 12: Growing Strong

Day 13:

Day 14:

Day 15:

Day 18: Out of the 5 seedling planted, only 3 are doing well

Day 19:

Day 20:

Day 21:

Day 22: The 3 growing strong

Day 23: Realised that the netting was not working:( The broccoli plant has bite marks

Day 25: Noticed that the seedling in the background was not a broccoli seedling and in hind sight, it is actually a basil seedling.

Day 26:

Day 27:

Day 29:

Day 30:

Day 31:

Day 32:

Day 33:

Day 34:

Day 35:

Day 3:

Day 37:

Day 39:

Day 41:

Day 43:

Day 43:

Day 47:

Day 48:

Day 50:

Day 70: The broccoli heads ready for harvest. Also was very yummy!