Tomorrow is Good Friday and I thought I’ll be fitting to pay tribute to Jesus the lamb of God. With this photo, I took of this lamb at mt Snowdon. It was the toughest climb I ever undertook. Without God I would not have been able to finish the climb. If you are struggling in life, call out to God. He will save you.
“Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!
John 1:29
Blessed Good Friday my friends
Today is the day where Jesus died for our sins, illnesses, hurt, pain and failures.
Jesus was God in flesh so He felt pain, He knows suffering.
He knew what it was like to be seperated from God when He took our sins upon Himself.
I think that’s why Jesus would know what depression feels like.
He also would know what being anxious feels likes as He prays to our Heavenly Father to take away the cup of suffering.
So praise the Lord we can cry out to Him and He can ampathise! That means so much more to me.. That He ampathises.. He knows what I’m going through. He’s felt it before..
Not only can He ampathise.. He’s taken it upon Himself!
So let us all leave all that’s afflicting us at the foot of the cross..
I pray and hope this comforts you..