For me personally, this is truly the reason for this season. Jesus came down to Earth as a baby to save us. Without His gift of salvation and the joy of the Lord as my strength, I would not be around.. Hence I do what I do, to inspire others to keep on keeping on!
Thank you to everyone who has supported me this year, I look forward to what the new year holds 😀
Every time you share my post or like it or comment on it, it helps 🙂 I always like to hear from you 😉 Also love chatting to you at markets 😀
I pray and hope you have a great time today either with family or friends!
So sorry about the multiple post. I had some technical difficulty changing things in the back end. I hope it’s all resolved now though 🙂
I hope to share more online products with you each week 😀 As much as I love meeting you at the markets, it’s not that great for my health 🙁
I don’t know what the new year holds but, we got to sit back and re evaluate things. So in the meantime, I’ll make more of my stuff available to get online where the wind doesn’t blow my stuff away 😉
Maybe I’ll stick to indoors ones like the one in Coogee..
On Sunday, I was brought to near tears when the wind took out my entire display after I spent weeks “windproofing” it, only for 1 strong gale to destroy it all in one swoop.
Also do you know of anywhere that wants bible inspired photography designs? I feel God has called me to create these designs for my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. To inspire them to renew their minds with His words. So where are my fellow people at? 😛
I’m so excited to be able to share this latest design with you! So sorry I have not been posting much lately, been away and still recovering from being sick 🙁 But I felt God really wanted me to do this design for months now. It was used in conferences I have attended, or sermons I listen to and haha God even put it in a TV show “Manifest”. I was like, ok God, I get the message 😉
So I present to you this powerful verse Romans 8:28 2
8 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
I felt God wanted me to use this photo I took in Kings Park of a bee on a paper flower. It is a good photo which represents the verse that God works together with us in a symbiotic relationship though God doesn’t need us, he chooses to use us to do His work.
It’s encouraging that God can use everything; the good, bad and the in-between to fulfil His purpose.
Which one do you prefer? The vertical or the horizontal design?
You can have this photo as a
Eco Inspirational Mount [Contact me for more info]
I hope to print these up as Eco Inspirational Mount for you to buy at
Southern River Twilight Markets23rd Nov from 5 – 9 pm Located at CnrSouthern River Road and Clearwater Drive, Southern River
Thank you everyone who came out to the Coogee Village Markets 😀
I really enjoyed the chats I had with you ^^ I pray and hope the mounts you bought will add some hope and inspiration into your lives 😀 Thank you so much for the encouragement and support! The next one at this location will be on the 24th of November! So come and say hie and grab some meaningful Christmas gifts for your friends and family 😀
I am currently working on a new design which God has put on my heart for months! I plan on having it ready for sale at my next markets 😀
I think it’ll be an awesome gift you can get someone for Christmas; The gift of hope 😉 How awesome would it be to be able to give someone a word of encouragement from God’s word with His beautiful creation to help remind them of His powerful words throughout the day
What type of products would you like to buy for Christmas? I currently have mounts and cards. Do let me know and I’ll try to add it to my stock for you 😀
I’ll also be part of the
Southern River Twilight Markets23rd Nov from 5 – 9 pm Located at CnrSouthern River Road and Clearwater Drive, Southern River
One morning I woke up and had these 2 verses in my heart. I felt God had told me to design a mount which contained these 2 verses together to help people who have anxiety. I love this photo I took in the Blue Mountains and thought it was the perfect photo! The white smooth flowing soothing feel of the waterfall juxtapose with the green trees and “messiness” of the tree foliage on the right.