Day 36: Hmm no idea what is happening.. It was going so well!
Too hot a day perhaps? Help!! Glad that there is still some green visible though..

Day 21: Planted out in morning sun spot for a few days before.
Base dying off.

Day 19: Base shrunk significantly and more leaves have grown

Day 16: middle slowly growing, base shrinking

Day 15: not much visible growth, the base seems to be shrinking

Day 14: Not much visible growth

Day 13: Looks like a little tree growing from the centre

Day 12: Still growing taller. I would say it’s growing well =)

Day 11: More leaves and growing taller

Day 10: Individual shoots growing out from the centre

Day 9: Signs of more rapid growth visible

Day 8: Signs of leaves coming from the middle

Day 5: A bit higher in the middle

Day 4: Slight rise in the middle

Day 3: Not much has happened yet

Day 1: Just bought and suspended in water