I feel that God has put on my heart to create this Inspirational series for many years. Before I felt incompetent as I didn’t have the skill or photos.. I now have the know how and my own photographs from all over the world of various subjects in nature.My designs have grown to these beautiful light weight 8 x 6 s foam mounted prints.
The elements in this design are
- The Front
- The background image
- The bible verse
- The Back
- “Feeling” text
- Encouraging word
- logo
I would love to hear from you if these prints [photo and bible verse, feeling text and encouraging word] below inspires you when you are feeling tired, anxious, confused, fearful, and complaining?
I would love your input in creating and expanding this Inspirational series
- Are there any other “Feelings” which you’ll like inspiration for? please let me know so I can design something for you 🙂
- What sort of images would help you through such times of difficulty?
- What bible verses works for you during such difficult times?
- What is your life verse?
- What is your life season’s verse?
agape love,