Finally been able to catalogue my journey with store-bought re-grown Bok Choy!! It survived! I have no idea this is the how many attempts.. All have started well but ended up dying when planted out!
So be encouraged, if you don’t succeed, try, try, try…. try again 😉

Day 1
Just bought the bok choy and chopped off the bottom bit to re-grow suspended in little glass jars

Day 3: Out of the 4 planted, only 1 started to sprout!

Day 4: Out of the 4, only 1 still going strong while the others are not.

Day 4: the 1 plant is doing well that it is grew quite a bit during the day!

Day 6: Decided to plant it out in to the wicking bed

Day 14: 8 days later it is still going strong!

Day 15: Looks smaller but its more zoomed out..

Day 28: 14 days later, it has grown more leaves

Day 32: Healthy growing plant 🙂

Day 36: leaves have grown bigger

Day 38: They are growing more yay 🙂

Day 40: Growing bigger:)

Day 42: This is the biggest my bok choys have grown!! Use to be able to start on the window sill and then they die when planted out! wooo HOO

Day 49: More leaves growing ready for harvest but no need for bok choy atm.

Day 91: Bolted and I decided to let it grow to collect the seeds. I have no idea how it’ll grow.. But the flowers are soo pretty!