- He Knows My Name – Tommy Walker
- Our Father – Hillsong Worship
- Made Me Glad – Hillsong
- For I’m Building a People of Power – Ingrid DuMosch
- I Will Wait For You – Keith Getty, Jordan Kauflin, Matt Merker and Stuart Townend [Psalm 130]
These are the songs I feel God has put on my heart for this week^^ May it bless you abundantly no matter where you are at in life..
May you be blessed,
Ooo just found out something that I feel compelled to share also!
It’s about the word of God or the lack of it in our bibles.. I have been told that KJV or NKJV is better but never told why.. till today..
There are missing verses in the NIV.. A friend mentioned it’s in the footnote but I never thought to check the foot notes.. Also I think if God included it in.. it must have a purpose and shouldn’t be taken out..
God repeats thing for a reason..
While reading my electronic bible I felt God prompted me about it.. and thought I should use my good ol faithful printed NIV.. hmm.. Oh boy was I surprised.. it was missing verses!! :O
Pray about it on your own and let the Holy Spirit lead you.. For me I feel as I make designed quoting from the bible, I want ti to be the most powerful spiritually and not watered down.. scroll all the way to the bottom to see more.
1) He Knows My Name – Tommy Walker
Verse 1
I have a Maker
He formed my heart
Before even time began
My life was in His hands
He knows my name
He knows my every thought
He sees each tear that falls
And hears me when I call
Verse 2
I have a Father
He calls me His own
He’ll never leave me
No matter where I go
2) Our Father – Hillsong Worship
Verse 1
The words of Christ
Passed down through generations
The Son of God teaching us to pray
Echoed words
Father have Your will Your way in me
Verse 2
We wholly trust
You’re faithful in provision
Amazing grace mercy for our sins
May we forgive
The way that You’ve forgiven us oh Lord
So we can sing
Our Father
Hallowed be Your Name
Forever our God be exalted
Your kingdom come and in us
Let Your will be done
Our Father
Verse 3
Lead us from the valley of temptation
Deliver us from the evil one
Lord You reign and here we stand
Victorious in Your Name
Together we pray
Yours is the kingdom and power and glory
God of authority ancient of days
Yours is the wisdom and honour
Forever and always
We pray
3) For I’m Building a People of Power – Ingrid DuMosch
For I’m building a people of power
And I’m making a people of praise
That will move through this land by My Spirit
And will glorify My precious Name
Build Your church, Lord
Make us strong, Lord
Join our hearts, Lord,
Through Your Son
Make us one, Lord
In Your body
In the kingdom of Your Son
4) Made Me Glad – Hillsong
Verse 1
I will bless the Lord forever
I will trust Him at all times
He has delivered me from all fear
He has set my feet upon a rock
And I will not be moved and I’ll say of the Lord
You are my shield, my strength
My portion, deliverer
My shelter, strong tower
My very present help in time of need
Verse 2
Whom have I in heaven but You
There’s none I desire besides You
You have made me glad, and I’ll say of the Lord
5) I Will Wait For You – Keith Getty, Jordan Kauflin, Matt Merker and Stuart Townend [Psalm 130]
Verse 1
Out of the depths I cry to You
In darkest places I will call
Incline Your ear to me anew
And hear my cry for mercy Lord
Verse 2
Were You to count my sinful ways
How could I come before Your throne
Yet full forgiveness meets my gaze
I stand redeemed by grace alone
I will wait for You I will wait for You
On Your word I will rely
I will wait for You surely wait for You
Till my soul is satisfied
Verse 3
So put Your hope in God alone
Take courage in His power to save
Completely and forever won
By Christ emerging from the grave
Verse 4
His steadfast love has made a way
And God Himself has paid the price
That all who trust in Him today
Find healing in His sacrifice
Chorus 2
I will wait for You surely wait for You
Through the storm and through the night
I will wait for You surely wait for You
For Your love is my delight
Here is the post by Keren Happuch on FB
NIV was published by Zondervan but is now OWNED by Harper Collins, who also publishes the Satanic Bible and The Joy of Gay Sex.
•The NIV and ESV has now removed 64,575 words from the Bible
including Jehovah, Calvary, Holy Ghost and omnipotent to name but a few…
•The NIV and ESV has also now removed 45 complete verses. Most of us have the Bible on our devices and phones especially “OLIVE TREE BIBLE STUDY APP.”
•Try and find these scriptures in NIV and ESV on your computer, phone or device right now if you are in doubt:
Matthew 17:21, 18:11, 23:14;
Mark 7:16, 9:44, 9:46;
Luke 17:36, 23:17;
John 5:4; Acts 8:37.
…you will not believe your eyes.
•Refuse to be blinded by Satan, and do not act like you just don’t care. Let’s not forget what the Lord Jesus said in John 10:10 (King James Version).
There is a crusade geared towards altering the Bible as we know it; NIV, ESV and many more versions are affected.
If you must use the NIV and ESV, BUY and KEEP AN EARLIER VERSION OF the BIBLE. A Hard Copy cannot be updated. All these changes occur when they ask you to update the app. On your phone or laptop etc.