Though I’ll try to Re-Use the pink plastic I got to keep the upper part of the plant dry.
Plants from the window sill transplanted into the ground when new leaves formed.Did you know that you can use the top of the store-bought spinach and regrown another plant?The lone spinach plant which survived replanted into a pot with another plant in our new home.. the others dried out.. Note to self.. Give it more shade.The lone spinach seems to be doing well in its new location.Bought more spinach to eat and decided to replant them straight into soil since they don’t seem to like wet roots.Keeping track of the progress of the lone survivor and it’s looking like it is thriving..Keeping track of the progress of the lone survivor 3 days after and it’s looking like it has more new leaves..A close up of the Lone Spinach plant, nice and healthy next to another unknown plantThe new re-grown plants seem to be struggling.. Though there are signs of new growth. Also planted out a Re-grown Chinese vegetable [unknown] but it seems happier inside. See post for Chinese vegetable for comparisons.The new re-grown plants seems to be showing signs of more new growth. Also punched holes in the container due to severe rain over the weekend, most of them drowned =(