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Re-Grown Store bought Lychee | Germination | Home Grown

01/01/15 Day 1: Lychee seed germination experimentation Put an old seed into a cup of water
Day 1: Lychee seed germination experimentation
Put an old seed into a cup of water

01/01/15 Day 1: Lychee seed germination experimentation Put 4 fresh seeds into a cup of water
Day 1: Lychee seed germination experimentation
Put 4 fresh seeds into a cup of water
01/01/15 Day 1: Lychee seed germination experimentation Put fresh seeds straight into soil
Day 1: Lychee seed germination experimentation
Put fresh seeds straight into soil
01/01/15 Day 1: Lychee seed germination experimentation Put fresh seeds into a zip lock bag with damp paper towel in a dark warm place [a cupboard above the microwave]
Day 1: Lychee seed germination experimentation
Put fresh seeds into a zip lock bag with damp paper towel in a dark warm place [a cupboard above the microwave]
12/01/15 Day 12: Lychee seed germination experimentation Seeds in zip lock bag are the 1st to emerge
Day 12: Lychee seed germination experimentation
Seeds in zip lock bag are the 1st to emerge
12/01/15 Day 12: Lychee seed germination experimentation Seeds in water has cracked a little
Day 12: Lychee seed germination experimentation
Seeds in water has cracked a little
12/01/15 Day 12: Lychee seed germination experimentation No change in the old seeds in water
Day 12: Lychee seed germination experimentation
No change in the old seeds in water
12/01/15 Day 12: Lychee seed germination experimentation No change in the seeds potted straight into the soil
Day 12: Lychee seed germination experimentation
No change in the seeds potted straight into the soil
20/01/15 Day 20: Lychee seed germination experimentation Seeds in zip lock bag potted and doing well
Day 20: Lychee seed germination experimentation
Seeds in zip lock bag potted and doing well
20/01/15 Day 20: Lychee seed germination experimentation woo hoo! 1st sign of growth coming from the seeds which were potted straight into the soil
Day 20: Lychee seed germination experimentation
woo hoo! 1st sign of growth coming from the seeds which were potted straight into the soil
20/01/15 Day 20: Lychee seed germination experimentation Seeds in water not doing much. so took out 2 and put them in the soil.
Day 20: Lychee seed germination experimentation
Seeds in water not doing much, so I took out 2 and put them in the soil.
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