Woo Hoo! Successful 2nd batch of store-bought re-grown Gai Lan after my 1st batch died when I was away =(

Day 26 : Transplanted outside
Scroll down to see its progress from Day 1
Curious about its latest progress?

Day 1: Batch 2 of Gai Lan as last one died when I was away.
Trying a different method of suspension in water

Day 4: Nothing significant has happened. Plants are still alive.

Day 5: Nothing significant has happened. Plants are still alive.

Day 6: Nothing significant has happened. Plants are still alive.

Day 10: We have signs of new leaves

Day 10: We have signs of new leaves

Day 10: We have signs of new leaves

Day 10: We have signs of new leaves

Day 10: We have signs of new leaves

Day 10: We have signs of new roots formed too

Day 11 : new leaves are growing bigger

Day 12 : New leaves have grown even bigger

Day 13 : New leaves growing very well

Day 14 : New leaves have grown even bigger

Day 15 : New leaves have grown even bigger and taller

Day 16 : New leaves have grown even bigger and taller and more new leaves are visible.

Day 17 : New leaves have grown even bigger and taller.

Day 20 : New leaves have grown even bigger and taller and more new leaves are visible. More root systems have grown

Day 26 : Transplanted outside, thought of letting it go to seed in water as it has no root system.