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Just to let you know, there will be no FB live Praise and Worship In Song And Prayer Today

Rainbow over the ocean, Cottesloe Beach


How are you? I pray and hope you are having a great day!

Due to not being unwell all week, I have not been able to get ready for today 🙁 I’m so sorry.. I pray and hope you can use the other 13 I’ve done thus far to help you through your week 😀

Also may this rainbow inspire you that we serve a mighty God and the rainbow is His covenant with us 😀 This verse came to mind 😛

This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24 NKJV

This morning hubby woke me up saying there was a beautiful double rainbow over our home.. But when he went back outside to capture it on my camera, it had gone.

In my heart I hoped to see the rainbow over nature like the ocean..

On our way to Cottesloe, there it is.. a rainbow over the ocean. Praise the Lord!^^ He blessed me with my hearts desire 😀

Praise the Lord I was able to capture it with a DSLR camera for you to see 😀


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