This is a photo I took back in 2010 when I was at a church camp. I’ve always been fascinated with fire and was rather proud that I was able to capture this shot! Who would have thought this photo has resonated with quite a few people.
I love the symbolism of it. it’s a reminder of being a light with pizazz in the darkness. A friend posted about not blowing out another person’s light..
Well if there is too much light in the place already, find the dark space you are meant to shine your light in 😉 Sometimes only you can shine in the place that you can shine in, so no point shining in someone else’s space 😉
Find where you are meant to be! Then no matter how small you may think your light maybe, it’ll shine brightest in the darkness ;)
You can own this as a
Or any size you need, get in touch with me and I’ll make your design dream a reality
Not sure what is a good size for you? I can work that out for you! Here is what I did a client of mine