I was wondering what photo I should upload as my 1st photo of the year and this scene jumped out at me. Cos every time I look up towards the stars I can’t help but think about the possibilities of things to be.
I took this photo after a long night at Dove lake capturing the milky way there. It was actually outside our accommodation. I saw a faint white wisp in the sky and wondered if it was the milky way and low and behold it was!! 😀
I used to do new years resolution, but now I have decided anytime is as good as any to start. Haha.. I started the GAPs diet in June and been on it for about 30 weeks now.. But I guess it does help to plan and dream of what is to be this year ^^
If you are a fellow believer, I highly recommending dedicating the year to God 😀
I did that 2 years ago when I was at my lowest of lows and been doing it every year since and it’s been an amazing journey through the ups and downs!
So what are your hopes and dreams for this year?
It’s a new year, and everyday is a new day. Instead of dwelling on past mistakes, learn from them 😉