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White Swan | Photography | Birds | San Francisco | USA | Nature Photography | Jonace World Travels

While we were in San Fransisco, we met an auntie who “adopted us”. She brought us to the Palace of Fine Arts Exploratorium. I was surprised that there was such a beautiful white swan.

A San Francisco landmark, the Palace of Fine Arts was built for the Panama Pacific Exposition of 1915, and was designed by Bernard Maybeck.


A single white swan in the water with ripples in the water
Beautiful White Swan on the water at palace of fine arts exploratorium in San Fransisco
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Purple Blue Flower | Orlando | USA | Flower | Nature Photography | Jonace World Travels

While travelling the world, I see beauty and nature everywhere I look. Here is an example of such sightings. I was in Universal Studios, Orlando when I took this photo of the flower.

Do you know what flower this is?


A very intricate flower with a purple core and light blue petals. Surrounded by green leaves
A Purple Blue Flower in Universal Studios, Orlando


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The Reasons Behind My WHY | The Inspirational Mounts

Sights and sounds inspiring hope is what I’m all about!

I strive to inspire hope through my life, photography and music.

Who Am I?

First and foremost I am a follower of Jesus. then I am a nature photographer with photographs from all over the world and Australia. What sets me apart is that I’m also a Graphic designer so I’m able to combine custom text or words inspired by the Bible with my photography to create, photo cards, inspirational mounts and canvases.

I also am a singer-songwriter-guitarist who writes songs to bring hope to the broken and I’ve released an Ep called Mosaic Heartbrokenness can be made beautiful.

God’s calling in 2004

In 2004 I felt God called me to create inspirational bookmarks but at that time, I didn’t have the photos nor the confidence in my own ability to do so.

Accident in 2007

In 2007, I was hit by a car while walking on the curb. I was out walking outside my home and I was hit on my right lower back by a wing mirror that was broken off on impact as the car was going too fast. That trauma triggered the Fibromyalgia.

What is Fibromyalgia?

What is Fibromyalgia some might ask? It is a chronic condition that causes pain in the muscles and bones.

Imagine when you have a cold; your head is foggy, your body and joints ache. No matter how much you sleep, you are tired all the time. You have no motivation to do anything cos the fatigue confounds everything! and that is only some of the symptoms.

Where I get my strength from?

Because of the joy of the Lord, you’ll never know I’m always in pain unless I tell you.

What causes the depression and anxiety?

For the past 11 years, I’ve suffered with Fibromyalgia. With the constant pain, came the depression. With the fibro fog came the anxiety.

So I know what it feels like to be anxious and suicidal. But I refuse to let it define me.

My purpose

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

I choose to sow the pain, anxiety, depression, disappointments and rejection into God.

It’s become my purpose for living; using my photography of God’s beautiful creations and His all-powerful words to encourage and inspire others to renew their minds with His words! 🙂

With His help, we can be overcomers. We can do all things through Him who gives us strength.

In 2011 and 2013, God blessed me with the opportunity to travel to


  1. Hong Kong
  2. China
  3. South Korea
  4. Japan
  5. Singapore
  6. Indonesia
  7. Malaysia

Nordic Countries

  1. Denmark
  2. Swede
  3. Norway
  4. Iceland


  1. Germany
  2. Italy
  3. Spain
  4. Ireland
  5. France
  6. UK
  7. Amsterdam

South America

  1. Ecuador
  2. Peru
  3. Chile


  1. New Zealand
  2. Canada
  3. USA

In 2015 I decided to take the risk to submit my photographs to the Perth royal show not expecting anything to happen. But to my surprise 2 of my photographs were one of the finalists.

Misty Sapphire Pool Mounted Print
Photo of a humming bird bathing in a moving creek with it's wings blurred to show motion and the body very tact, Jardin Botanica, Quito
Hummingbird Bathing Mounted Print

Now in 2018, I present to you my Inspirational Mounts.  The mounts have been inspired by a sermon or bible verses which come to mind when I look at the photo.

Help renew minds

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Romans 12:2

I feel called to help you to renew your mind with God’s all-powerful words! I present to you the feelings range of my Inspirational Mounts.

They have been designed with specific bible verses to help combat negative feelings such as anxiety, stress and depression to name a few.

What to do with the Mounts?

You can place it on your bedside table, stick on your dresser, on your fridge, framed up in your study, up on the wall in your hallway.

Or give it as a gift to encourage a friend going through a difficult time when you don’t know what to say. These mounts are like a special card that last as they are also a work of art.

Thank you for the opportunity to share My story and I hope it inspires others in difficult times.

Check out my latest Bible Inspirational Mount designs

Sunset at Cottesloe over the Indian Ocean with sun rays beaming out of dark and dramatic clouds with colourful rocks on the right
Be joyful, prayerful, thankful. This is God’s will for your life. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
8 x 6 feeling tired inspirational mounts with an osprey flying in mid air towards it's nest and a blue water backdrop
8 x 6 feeling tired inspirational mounts with an osprey flying in mid-air
beautiful blue waters in a pool in Icelandwith text whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, praiseworthy think about such things Philippians 4:8 [ NIV ]
beautiful blue waters in a pool in Iceland
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Sunset Geyser | Yellowstone National Park | Nature | Landscape | Sunset Photography | Jonace World Travels

While in Yellow Stone National Park, we met a few geyser chasers. We followed them around the park to chase the geyser eruptions. This is one which we waited for the longest. In the end, we waited for 3 hours unsure of when it is going to erupt. As it was getting darker, it was getting colder.

The Great Fountain Geyser is a fountain-type geyser located in the Firehole Lake area of Lower Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming.

Eruptions begin about one hour after the crater fills and the first overflow spills onto the terraces. Great Fountain’s maximum height ranges from about 75 feet to over 220 feet. While this pattern of behavior is observed most of the time, there are occasional episodes of so-called “wild-phase” activity during which the eruptions are of greatly extended duration and intervals between eruptions may be as long as three days.

It was one of the first discovered in the park, in the late 19th century


A beauitful orange and blue sunset with a mountain on the left. With the geyser erupting in the front with a blue core. The foreground is dark and rocky
The Grand Fountain Geyser at Sunset at Yellowstone National Park

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Blue Clear Water Pool | Iceland | Nature | Waterscape | Photography | Jonace World Travels

Before Iceland was so popular, I was there in 2011 and we had our own lovely tour guide Dooley. We ended up having him all to ourselves as the others didn’t make it. This was not the main attraction but it caught my eye. I loved the colour of the water and the shimmer look contrasted to the rock structure of green and brown around it.

For some reasons every time there is a pool of water, people have the urge to throw coins in it. Not the best for the water’s PH though it looks beautiful.


beautiful blue waters in a pool in Iceland surrounded by rock structures
beautiful blue clear waters in a pool in Iceland surrounded by rock structures

Continue reading Blue Clear Water Pool | Iceland | Nature | Waterscape | Photography | Jonace World Travels