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Oasis in the Desert | Huacachina | Nature | Landscape | Sunset Photography | Jonace World Travels

Instead of going to the super touristy place of Machu Picchu, we choose to go to Huacachina.

Huacachina is a desert oasis and tiny village just west of the city of Ica in southwestern Peru. At its center are the green waters of the Huacachina Lagoon, ringed by palm trees and thought to have therapeutic properties.

I was amazed at finding this very special place. The oasis is real, you see such mirages in cartoons.

Did you know the small lake is natural? the trees around the lake draws water from the air and store it in the ground which created the lake.

It was a rather painful climb cos of the Fibromyalgia but this photo makes it all so worth it.

All my photography can be bought as prints, just contact me to discuss your options.



Blue, orange and purple skiles at sunset with the city of huacachina with lights lit up
An oasis in the desert in huacachina at sunset


You can have this awesome photographic art print as a

Orange and purple skiles at sunset with the city of huacachina with lights lit up
huacachina sunset



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